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Monday, 4 November 2019

Human Capital – What India needs to reap the Demographic Dividend

Human capital, unlike physical capital, is intangible.
Human Capital
You all may have heard of the term ‘capital’ in economics.
Adam Smith defines capital as “That part of man’s stock which he expects to afford him revenue”. Capital is one of the four factors of production – land, labour, and entrepreneurship being the other three.
There are many types of capital.

Sunday, 3 November 2019

An effective plan to end the use of plastic

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi told the United Nations General Assembly that India was embarking on a “very large campaign” to get rid of single-use plastic, many assumed that New Delhi was preparing to ban the use of disposable plastic. The government, however, has since clarified that it would rather spread awareness about the menace of plastic, and create plastic-free zones to begin with—around heritage sites, 
Why not ban?
  • In the absence of sufficient alternatives to this ubiquitous and cheap material, an outright ban would have caused much disruption across the country.
  • While users of some flexible items such as carry bags can easily switch to slightly more expensive material, as many already have, those of hard-pla